Turf Starter 5L Concentrate

Liquid SUPER Concentrate SILICA / KELP based input for Commercial and Domestic Turf Laying Applications
TURF STARTER™ has been specially formulated for the critical first two week period following the laying of turf.

TURF STARTER is super concentration of inputs including Silica, Kelp, Potash, humates, natural growth hormones and trace elements to give TURF the best possible nutrition in the critical early stages of establishment.


Silica is another word for Silicon and, in plants, it is present in amounts equivalent to, or higher than, elements like Calcium, Magnesium or Phosphorus. Recent experiments show that plants deprived of Silica are structurally weaker, more prone to pest and disease attack, and are more susceptible to heavy metal and salt toxicities among other things. It is excellent for transplant stress and grasses are silica accumulators and it is required in constant supply for strong healthy turf.

Added kelp and potash are essential for root and shoot development during the early stages of transplant to promote a strong healthy root system as fast and possible.

Humates like humic and fulvic acid retain water, buffer salts and toxins and feed microbes – perfect turf development conditions.  Natural growth stimulants like triacontanol complete this multi functional product that can also be used on an ongoing basis as well.

TURF STARTER is easy to use via hoses, irrigation or spray equipment or by adding to water trucks. Turf laying programs available.


-- Easy, convenient application, fast uptake

-- Improves Root development and soil penetration,

-- Improves leaf presentation and turf appearance.

-- Makes turf physically tougher – tough   

plants are more resistant to pest and fungal


-- Reduced transplant and wilting loss

-- Helps reduce water use

-- Reduced frost and heat damage

-- Reduced damage from soil toxins and 


-- Suitable for all plants, vegies, turf, pastures, tube stock , cane and bamboo



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